Scientifiс programming languages


The progress of computer technology has determined the process of appearance of new various sign systems for recording algorithms - programming languages. The meaning of the emergence of such a language - equipped with a set of computational formulas of additional information, turns this set into an algorithm. Programming language - a formal sign system designed to record computer programs. A programming language defines a set of lexical, syntactic and semantic rules that define the appearance of the program and the actions that the executor (computer) will perform under its control.

Since the creation of the first programmable machines mankind has come up with more than eight and a half thousand programming languages. Every year their number is replenished with new ones. Some languages are only used by a small number of their own developers, others are known to millions of people. Professional programmers sometimes use more than a dozen different programming languages in their work.

Programming languages

The entire set of programming languages can be divided into two groups: low-level languages and high-level languages.

The low-level languages are assembly languages (from English to assemble). An assembler language uses symbolic notation of commands that are easy to understand and quick to remember. Instead of binary command sequences, symbolic designations are written as instructions and instead of binary addresses of data used in execution of instructions, symbolic names of this data are written as chosen by the programmer. Assembler language is sometimes called mnemocode or autocode.

Most programmers use high-level languages to write programs. Like a normal human language, such a language has its own alphabet - a set of symbols used in the language. From these characters are compiled what are called keywords of the language. Each of the keywords performs a different function, just as in a language we are accustomed to, words composed of the letters of the alphabet of a given language can perform the functions of different parts of speech. Keywords are linked together into sentences according to certain syntactic rules of the language. Each sentence defines a certain sequence of actions to be performed by a computer.

A higher-level language acts as an intermediary between humans and computers, allowing humans to communicate with computers in a more human-readable way. Often such a language helps to choose the right method to solve a problem.

Before writing a program in a high-level language, a programmer must create an algorithm for solving the problem, that is, a step-by-step plan of action to be performed to solve this problem. This is why languages that require an algorithm to be compiled in advance are often called algorithmic languages.


The Assembler language is a symbolic representation of a machine language. It makes programming easier than programming in machine codes. The programmer does not have to use the real addresses of the memory cells with the data in them, involved in the operation, and the calculated results, as well as the addresses of the commands that the program does not address. Some tasks, for example, exchange with non-standard data processing devices of complex structures cannot be solved with the help of high-level programming languages.

The Assembler language is a machine language. And the programmer realizing any task in high-level languages, with the help of Assembler can determine whether the solution to this problem is meaningful, in terms of using the computer. The ability to make sense of the Assembler language makes it easier to find errors in programs because some languages are compilers.


Lisp The second oldest programming language, Lisp (List Information Symbol Processing), was developed by J. McCarthy in 1962 to handle strings of symbols rather than numbers. This particular purpose of Lisp opened for programmers a new field of activity known today as “artificial intelligence”. Currently, Lisp is successfully used in expert systems, analytical computing systems, etc.

The vast area of possible applications of Lisp caused the emergence of many different dialects of Lisp, this led to the creation of the Common LISP Committee in the early 1980s, which was to select the most appropriate Lisp dialect and propose it as the basic one. This dialect, chosen by the Committee in 1985, was called Common LISP. It has since been adopted by US universities, as well as many developers of artificial intelligence systems, as the basic dialect of the language Lisp.

Initially Lisp was conceived as a theoretical tool for recursive constructions, but today it has become a powerful tool that provides the programmer with a variety of support, allowing him to quickly build prototypes of very, very serious systems. Professor J. Samman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology noted that the mathematical clarity and ultimate clarity of Lisp is not all. The main thing is that Lisp allows to formulate and memorize “idioms” so characteristic of artificial intelligence projects.


With the advent of Microsoft’s QuickBasic translator, developers were able to build applications in Basic from separately compiled modules, some of which could be written in other languages. Now, as in the case of other leading programming languages, the developer has a choice of several industrial subroutine libraries, which contain ready-made solutions for common programming tasks.


It is a general-purpose programming language well known for its efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and portability. In C you can create programs that do anything you want. Another advantage of C is that it allows you to use all the features of your computer.

C language features: provides a complete set of structural programming statements; supports pointers to variables and functions; contains a preprocessor that processes text files before compilation; allows you to make a variety of decisions in specific situations.


The name C++ was invented by Rick Massitti in 1983. It indicates the evolutionary nature of the move to it from C. “++” is an incremental operation in C. The slightly shorter name C++ is a syntax error and has already been used as the name of an entirely different language.

C++ is a superset of the C programming language. In addition to the features that C provides, C++ provides a flexible and efficient means of defining new types. Using definitions of new types that correspond exactly to the concepts of the application, the programmer can divide the program being developed into easily controllable parts. This method of constructing programs is often called data abstraction. Type information is contained in some user-defined type objects.

Such objects are easy and reliable to use in situations where their type cannot be set at compile time. C was chosen as the base language for C++ because it is: versatile, concise and relatively low-level, meets most system programming tasks, goes everywhere and on everything, and is suitable in the UNIX programming environment.


It is a high-level general-purpose programming language. One of the most famous programming languages, it is widely used in industrial programming, teaching programming in higher education, and is the basis for a large number of other languages. It was created by Niklaus Wirth in 1968/9 (published in 1970), after his participation in the Algol-68 standard development committee. Pascal was created as a language for teaching procedural programming. The language was named after Blaise Pascal, the prominent 17th century French mathematician, physicist, literary writer, and philosopher, inventor of the world’s first arithmetic machine. The Pascal compiler was written in Pascal itself, using the “unwinding method”, where the core of the language is created, with a gradual build-up of new features.

The features of the language are strict typing and the presence of structural (procedural) programming. Pascal minimizes possible syntactic ambiguities and the author tried to make the syntax itself intuitively understandable even when you first learn the language.


Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by SunMicrosystems. Java applications are usually compiled into special byte-code, so they can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) regardless of the computer architecture. The official release date was May 23, 1995. The language was originally called Oak (“oak”) and was developed by James Gosling for programming consumer electronic devices. Later it was renamed Java and was used for writing client applications and server software. Named after the coffee brand Java, so the official emblem of the language depicts a cup with steaming coffee.

The advantage of program execution is in complete independence of bytecode from operating system and equipment allows to execute Java applications on any device for which there is a corresponding virtual machine. Another important feature of Java technology is flexible security system due to the fact that program execution is fully controlled by virtual machine. Any operation that exceeds the program’s set authority (e.g. attempting unauthorized access to data or connecting to another computer) will cause an immediate interruption.

One of the disadvantages of the virtual machine concept is that the execution of byte code by a virtual machine can degrade the performance of programs and algorithms implemented in the Java language. This was true for the first versions of the Java Virtual Machine, but lately it has become almost irrelevant. A number of improvements contributed to this: the use of bytecode-to-machine-code translation technology (JIT-technology) with the ability to save class versions in machine code, wide use of platform-oriented (native-code) in standard libraries, hardware that provides accelerated bytecode processing (for example, Jazelle technology supported by some ARM processors).

The ideas behind the concept and the various implementations of the Java virtual machine environment have inspired many enthusiasts to expand the list of languages that could be used to create programs that run on the virtual machine.These ideas also found expression in the specification of the common language infrastructure CLI, which is the basis of the .NET platform by Microsoft.


The invention of higher-level programming languages, as well as their constant improvement and development, allowed man not only to communicate with and understand the machine, but to use computers for the most complex calculations in the fields of aircraft, rocket science, medicine and even economics.

Today, any medium or large enterprise has a group of programmers with knowledge of programming in different languages, who edit, change and modify the programs used by the employees of the enterprise. This shows that people with knowledge and experience with various programming languages are in demand in the labor market.

That is, I have proven that with the improvement of old programming languages and the creation of new ones, it has become easier for people to work and programming has become less complicated.

In this project I looked at the most common programming languages such as: Fortran, Pascal, Basic, which are used for scientific calculations, to teach programming to novice programmers.

At the moment I am already learning programming in Python and I am thinking about tying my life to the profession of a programmer.

Despite the fact that the current level of development of programming languages is quite high, the tendency of their development, as well as the development of information technology in general, is such that it can be assumed that in the near future, human knowledge in this area will help to produce languages that can receive, process and transmit information in the form of thought, word, sound or gesture.